Flash! Ahhhhhhh...
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to blog. Seriously, what's the point of trying to figure out what I want to write each day when I have material like what Katie gives me on a daily basis?
Her latest occurred last night while checking out the Sunday paper. Admittedly, our perusal of the newsprint is a day late, but oh well. We've been looking for new checks because we're running low and we're decidedly old school... we don't do any banking online save for checking our account balance and making sure payments clear. We pay no bills online because of the many horror stories we've read about auto bill pay double dipping and overbilling and other things that would piss me off to have to waste the time to correct. So we just don't bother. This leaves us with paper checks. And we're running low.
So Katie was checking out those little coupon section inserts to see if she could find any checks we liked. That's when she found this little gem (the checks look the same as this check book cover)...
And her reaction? "Oh yeah, because I wanna pay bills with a check that shows a cat scratching itself!"
Again, why do I bother? I should just start a blog dedicated to Katie Quotables and call it a day.
Totally Unrelated Aside (TUA): Ah! My childhood comes screaming back to me! And with some really boss Alex Ross cover art to boot!
Not exactly sure yet what constitutes this being dubbed the "Saviour of the Universe Edition," but I'm getting it anyway!
Oh Christ. I just used the word "boss," didn't I? How 80s am I?
My bank set up all of my bill payments- it was super easy and no checks! :)
Posted by: Bre | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 07:32 AM
And her reaction? "Oh yeah, because I wanna pay bills with a check that shows a cat scratching itself!"
Are you kidding? With those checks it's like, "Yeah, here's your friggin' blood money and this is where you can put it!" Those checks are purrr-fect (Sorry...I couldn't resist).
Posted by: BA | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 07:48 AM
That reminds me - need to find Star Wars checks...
We do all of our bill paying online, and have only had a few overdrafting problems to date.
Posted by: kilax | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 08:25 AM
The funny thing is that i didn't even realize he was scratching himself until I read it.
Posted by: August | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 09:00 AM
That's really funny, because I was shopping for new checks yesterday. 50% were along the vein of "cat scratching itself" and 40% I classified as, "the printing on these checks looks like something a 5 year old would do." I had to go with a pretty bland classic design so I could sleep at night without fearing my landlord was mocking me upon receipt of my rent.
Posted by: diane | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 09:04 AM
i'm SO going to use the word "boss" in a sentence today. ha ha.
some of those check designs are so weird. and people are buying them. even weirder!!
Posted by: sizzle | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 09:23 AM
The only thing that I don't pay online is my rent. Of course, I don't use autopay and opt to go in once a month to pay all of my bills.
Posted by: Dagny | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 10:57 AM
Better a check with a cat scratching himself than with a husband scratching himself...
Won't it be great when someone comes up with "Photochecks", like "Photostamps" where you can upload your own photo and then you can send in your taxes with proper use of the finger!!
Posted by: Beth | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 11:09 AM
Gawd I love Flash Gordon!! Have you seen the previews for the series yet? Not lookin' so good.
You and Dave are on a movie kick today, I see. :o)
Posted by: Michelle | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 11:23 AM
If you are 80's, then so am I. I must have yelled out every 80's phrase that existed at a party we had on Friday night. I said the first one by accident, and then kept them coming to see if anyone would call me on it. Only one person did, which means I must be hanging out with people who use those phrases regularly.
I love the Katie sayings. Excellent.
Posted by: tori | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 11:36 AM
Bre, this is me. I'd get screwed over.
BA, you can have the cat scratcher.
kilax, a few is still too many in my book.
August, he probably isn't, but it works.
diane, checks are odd these days, aren't they?
sizzle, I would like to know when and how you use it.
Dagny, it still scares me.
Beth, now that's an idea!
Michelle, I haven't seen the preview yet, but I heard Sam Jones (the 1980 Flash) will make a cameo or have some kind of recurring role. I'll have to check it out.
tori, that's like so totally rad! ;-)
Posted by: kapgar | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 12:14 PM
You had me at "Flash, Ahhhhhhh"
Posted by: Dustin | Tuesday, 07 August 2007 at 01:22 PM
Dustin, I knew there had to be at least a few Flash fans out there! You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
Posted by: kapgar | Wednesday, 08 August 2007 at 06:30 AM