Don't wanna be an American idiot...

I love the Web. It's an unhealthy obsession I've developed since my undergraduate days in college. I like to look around at what's available, read people's blogs, check out the news, watch a couple videos, listen to some music, buy some stuff, etc. You name it.

The Web can be a great thing.

But it can also be a terrible thing and by no fault of its own.

For some reason, the mere existence of the Web has seemingly given some people permission to be lazy. I don't mean in the whole "sitting at home banking in your underwear" sense, either. What I am talking about is this tendency people have to "abbreviate" words by dropping a letter or two or just completely butchering the spelling of them entirely, whether intentional or unintentional in nature. Not just one word here and there, but an entire statement full of screw ups. 

A while ago, I wrote a post describing my disdain for the album American Idiot by Green Day. At the time I wrote it, I was exceptionally sick of it. Actually, to be perfectly honest with you, I still am. I stand 100% behind what I wrote in that post. But, lately, it's become my flaming clown post, as it were. Maybe not quite to the same level as Dave's hate mail, but still.

I've received some comments lately telling me that I, myself, am an idiot for my views on Green Day's album. Instead of trying to just describe my problem with these comments, I'll just repost them.


I changed nothing in that comment. It has been reposted in its entirety... or lack thereof.


Seriously, people, is it really that difficult to take the additional two seconds to type out, "Shut the fuck up. It's a great CD and, if you think otherwise, then fuck off, you jerk" or "Fuck you. Green Day and the American Idiot album is the shit, you cum stain."

Not only would you appear light years more intelligent for having actually spelled it all out and correctly punctuating your comment, but I might just take your sage words under advisement. *cough* Sorry, tickle in my throat.

But if you'd truly like me to take you seriously, you could ramp up your efforts a bit. Try this on for size...

"While I appreciate your right to say what you feel, I must disagree. I think the Green Day album is fantastic because [enter supporting reasons here]. But, if you think otherwise, I respect your right as protected under the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment right to free speech."

Not that this would ever happen.

As I said, a couple typos here and there is not a bad thing. It's an unintentional error. These comments... not so much.

Why? Dear God, why are people so willing to make themselves appear like idiots in this day and age? Don't people take pride in their education? Or wouldn't you want to make your opinion known and actually have people listen to it? It's no wonder many seasoned newspeople don't take the Web seriously... because users of the Web can't take themselves seriously. Take a few extra seconds and think through what you're saying and how you're saying it before you fire off crap at your target. Your first grade teacher would be proud. Really.

Oh, and I dumped a buck in the swear jar. Grrr...

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I think there is a huge difference between someone writing that kind of stuff and someone writing a respectful disagreement that could lead to a conversation that maybe has a few typos in it.

I think right now it is considered "cool" to not be educated. Look at the people society talks about the most right now. They certainly aren't the most intelligent sometimes. If young people strive to be like them, they need to dumb themselves down, which then makes them more lazy because it is easier. I really think it is a whole cycle which hopefully will correct itself soon.

I realize I just sounded really old and crotchety, but I swear I'm not!


You know, considering the state of our educational system, perhaps they think they ARE typing correctly. Hmm, if they keep abbreviating themselves at the same rate of progress as seen over the past 5 years, it could turn out that they end up just not speaking at all by the end of another 10. Maybe you should leave them alone, let evolution take it's natural course?

However, I find that when people think I am stupid, it keeps them distracted from what I am really doing/thinking. It's come in handy a lot, because apparently people think I haven't got a brain at all. And I DO! I am just not quite sure where I put it last... details, details...


Does this count as a New Year's Resolution Violation? Are you still doing that? Hee hee!

At least you are finally getting closer to hate mail, with hateful comments. ;) It means your blog somehow has a wider (although, maybe more stupid) audience.

And btw, Greenday sucks.


What sickens me is that some school systems are allowing such abbreviation to be used in papers the students turn in! As if your assignments are just glorified text messages. Argh.

Mike Jaltuch

Well I am not so sure how old the people are that called you a "cum stain" or to "Fuck off Jurk". I guess they took hooked on phonics a little too seriously. My point is who speaks like this?? I understand my 19 yr old brother does at times, but then again he is 19. You aren't witty or funny when speaking/writing like that, just an American Idiot if you ask me. Oh wait I guess that is cool now.....


After receiving many comments and emails of my own like this, I concluded it was just the way high school kids are communicating now-a-days. Text messaging has created this new kind of language, and I remained hopeful it's just a fad for today's youth which they would eventually outgrow.

But then I ran across Rosie O'Donnell's blog, see that a 45 year-old woman chooses to communicate in TXT-speak, and lose all hope for the future.


I kept thinking about that swear jar. All I could think was, "Kevin's just looking for an excuse to drop a few curse words."

Oh, and I've been using "thanx" long before there was an internet but I would never let a student use it in a paper or any other abbreviations. In other words, let's not make blanket statements about education. OK?


I despise over-abbreviators. It really, really irritates me. Totally behind you, KA.


Does fuk really count for the swear jar?


tori, it's cool to be stupid? Oh shoot me now! Where was this fad years ago? Heh.

Kyra, hey if you happen to find some haven where all lost brains go to mellow, ask around for mine, too, would ya?

kilax, I'm still paying but just realized I completely forgot to put the button back on my homepage when I switched templates. But, like I said at the end, I put another buck in the till.

Karl, some school systems are allowing this? Are you kidding me?

Mike, I did love being called a cum stain, let me tell you.

Dave, I noticed that on Rosie's blog, too. I read it once and have never been back. Could be a combination of the TXT speak and the fact that I can't stand her anymore. Yeah, that could be it.

Dagny, sometimes you just have to vent. For the record, I made no such comments about school systems. I'm good. Or, at least, safe.

Sandra, sounds like Good Morning, Vietnam... If the VP was such a VIP, shouldn't we keep the PC on the QT because if he goes MIA we'll all wind up with KP. I love that line.

Allison, not that one, but I counted the retypes I made and there were four of them. Still a buck.


10-q 4 riting dis. ;-)

Also, congratulations on the flame comments. Ask and ye shall receive!


It's like I always say, "If you are going to insult me, please use correct spelling and grammar or I will just delete your ass-tastic email.".

It seems harder to type out GR8 than "great". I dunno, maybe that is because I am not a fucktard and I know how to type.

Bu the way, I like it when you get snarky, Kevin. Rawrrrrr!


Oh and I am sorry Karl, but you are on the great "truthiness" bandwagon so don't get all crazy about new words ;)


It takes me mass amounts of time to TM someone. I even have a Cingular 8125 with the flip out keyboard - I abbreviate some stuff, but I'm guessing the reason it takes me so long is because I use upper and lower case and I add punctuation. Go figure.

P.S. - I could probably buy a vacation home if I started a swear job.



Johnny C.




frances, I know! Be careful what I wish for, right?

Hilly, rowrrrrrr!

Foo, but do you do it online when you have a full-size keyboard?

Erin, grrrrrrr...

Johnny, you crack me the heck up. You've gone beyond L33T and created a whole new language right there.


swear jar? How about a swear bucket?!


That anyone thinks that is acceptable discourse for voicing a disagreement disturbs me much more. On the upside, it looks just like spam making it easy to ignore.


OMG, that CUM STAIN remark? Soooo funny! Seriously, do people really say that? I bet both those kids are 16 years old.


i think these guys don't actually see themselves as idiots but good lord if this is what our educational system is teaching to our kids about spelling, let alone etiquette (that should be a class in school!) then we are so effed.

the swear jar! i almost forgot about it. heh.


I am surprised you survived that severe tongue lashing... I for one would have cowered and written a reply saying that this has driven you to completely reconsider your stand on Green Day, and signed up for the fan club in pennance. ha.


If they are abusing the English language like that they're obviously idiots.


Bec, oh it's a BIG jar.

claire, and yet I still leave it posted because it makes me proud. Twisted, sure. But proud.

nicole, yeah that blew my mind, too. Sounds like a bad 80s B movie.

sizzle, I hadn't forgotten about it, but now I know how everyone else did... my link is gone. I forgot to repost it!

Nat, I was this close to doing just that. Phew!

Bre, fo shizzle. Heh.


Heehee. and you were complaining just last week on my blog that you never get flamed. HA!


I know. Same on Frances' site. I've got a couple now! It's a start.


I'd need a swear tub. (but I'm working on it). My ex-wife used to send me stuff like that all the time, I'd forward them to all my friends and make fun of her. (ya know after she was my ex.) Capitalization and punctuation were not her friends.


g-man, ouch. Remind me not to tick you off. ;-)


I can see I've been preempted on the whole "New Year's Resolution" thing...but if you gotta break it, blaming it on Green Day comments is pretty impressive. Then you can use the whole, "Mom, the kid down the street said, 'That cocksucker and go fuck his grandmother!' But I didn't say it, he did."

Oh, I remember those days so fondly...

Bravo Kev. Bravo.


What Kyra said.


BA, yep, I did that in my younger days as well. But I went ahead and pumped a dollar in the till anyway.

Shannon, about the educational system or the misplacing of your brain? ;-) If I was talking about myself, it would have to be in reference to losing my mind.

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